Role Of User Persona In Ui/ux Design

A user persona is one of the design processes designers take to further empathize with the user to create a product that suits the user’s needs. In the article, we will explore what a user persona is, its importance as well as the steps to create a user persona.

What is a user persona?

A user persona is a fictional character of a user whom the product is being created for. It helps represents certain traits and qualities of a real user. Even though it is a fictional character, it is deducted from the research analysis carried out by real users. User persona contains information like demographic information, needs and goals, frustrations and pain points.

Types of user persona

There are 3 types of user personas. They are:

  1. Qualitative persona: This is a user persona created from the data analyzed from the result of qualitative research like surveys or interviews.

  2. Proto persona: This type of user persona is derived from existing data analyzed. No new research is needed to create a proto persona and sometimes based on the assumption of who the user is.

  3. Statistical persona: This requires the use of both qualitative and quantitative research to create this type of user persona. The commonalities between the users are identified and then surveys are carried out to validate the result.

Importance of a user persona

  1. Empathy: It helps to gain the actual and precise needs of the user through personal engagement with the user’s profile. Empathy will help make an informed decision by understanding the user’s goal, and frustration and creating a user-friendly product.

  2. Decision: With user persona, it aids the speedy decision-making around a design feature. It will help negate the guessing option during the design process. This will align the stakeholders and the user in the same direction.

  3. Presentation: All the research carried out regarding the product is presented with the user persona. It will contain critical information that will aid product design and development.

steps to create a user persona

  1. Carry out research: Accurate persona of a user is based on the result of the research carried out. The user’s motivation, mindset and overall behaviour would be deducted from the result gotten.

  2. Data analyzing: Similar data are grouped to find a pattern in them. Users with common goal needs and behaviour will form the basis of each persona.

  3. Create the persona: All these data gotten are put together to form a persona character to give a real face to the user.

  4. Documentation: This persona will serve as a framework for decision-making to ensure that the product being created is tailored to the needs of the user.

A user persona is an important aspect of UI/UX Design, as it helps in understanding the user’s needs. It will aid in creating a tailored product that is user-friendly. By prioritising the user persona stage, the common goals of the stakeholders, designer and user would be achieved.